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1/32 Products
English Civil War
Bygone Age
1940's Britain
General Interest
Cat No. The English Regency Period 1800-1830 (1/32 Scale) £each Image Add to Cart
R1 Lady seated reclining (figure only) 8.00 R1
R2 Lady standing with wine glass 8.00 R2
R3 Lady standing with stole and handbag 8.00 R3
R4 Lady seated playing cards (figure only) 8.00 R4
R4a Lady seated with resting arms (figure only) 8.00 R4a
R4b Lady seated with knife & fork (figure only) 8.00 R4b
R5 Lady seated with wine glass (figure only) 8.00 R5
R6 Gentleman standing speaking in trousers 8.00 R6
R7 Gentleman standing with wine glass in breeches 8.00 R7
R8 Gentleman standing reading book in breeches 8.00 R8
R9 Gentleman standing speaking in outdoor dress 8.00 R9
R10 Gentleman seated playing cards (figure only) 8.00 R10
R10a Gentleman seated with knife & fork (figure only) 8.00 R10a
R11 Gentleman seated with glass (figure only) 8.00 R11
R12 Subaltern Coldstream Guards in mess dress arms in front 8.00 R12
R13 Subaltern Coldstream Guards in mess dress arms in back 8.00 R13
R14 Senior Captain Royal Navy standing in evening dress 8.00 R14
R15 Capitaine Chef de Bataillon French Imperial Guard 8.00 R15
R16 Capitaine Chef de Bataillon French Imperial Guard arms on hips 8.00 R16
R17 Hussar & Lady dancing 19.00 R17
R18 Cavalry Officer seated writing (figure only) 8.00 R18
R19 Lady seated playing pianoforte (complete) 30.00 R19
R20 British Brigadier-General seated dozing (complete) 21.00 R20
R21 'Napoleon Advancing' (complete) 28.00 R21
R22 Collecting the King's shilling (complete) 21.00 R22
R23 Seated army general and Navy captain playing chess (complete) 37.50 R23
R24 Seated Napoleon writing at desk (complete) 23.00 R24
R25 Lady seated resting arms (figure only) 8.00 R25
R25a Lady seated with knife & fork (figure only) 8.00 R25a
R26 Subaltern Coldstream Guards officer resting arms (figure only) 8.00 R26
R26a Subaltern Coldstream Guards officer knife & fork (figure only) 8.00 R26a
R27 Seated Naval Captain writing (figure only) 8.00 R27
R28 Young squire standing with stave 8.00 R28
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